David SuchAn Arduino Nano Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) — Part 7Our new prototype boards from PCBWay look fantastic! We have changed some components as explained in Part 6, and altered the board layout…Feb 28, 20232Feb 28, 20232
David SuchAn Arduino Nano Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) — Part 6In part 6 we pull together all the theory from the previous parts into an integrated schematic and PCB. We have received the version 1.0…Jan 15, 20231Jan 15, 20231
David SuchAn Arduino Nano Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) — Part 5Excessive current will quickly destroy our ESC. The solution is to monitor the motor current. The obvious approach is to include a series…Dec 2, 20221752Dec 2, 20221752
David SuchAn Arduino Nano Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) — Part 4In order to keep your BLDC motor spinning, you need to know the position of the rotor, to time the activation sequence of the coils. If…Nov 24, 2022217Nov 24, 2022217
David SuchAn Arduino Nano Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) — Part 3In Part 1 we introduced our Arduino based ESC and followed this in Part 2 with an explanation of the power stage and MOSFET drivers. Part…Nov 19, 2022173Nov 19, 2022173
David SuchAn Arduino Nano Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) — Part 2In Part 1 we explained the design of our Arduino based ESC. Part 2 will focus on the power stage and why MOSFET drivers are needed. The…Nov 14, 202212Nov 14, 202212
David SuchAn Arduino Nano Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) — Part 1Now that we have delved into how BLDC motors operate and provided an overview of trapezoidal sensorless control, we can bring it all…Nov 10, 20225Nov 10, 20225