Flight Tracking (ADS-B) using the Raspberry Pi
In a previous post we looked at getting ADS-B tracking working on a pcDuino, to compare build difficulty with a Raspberry Pi, we built one of those as well. TL;DR version — it is much easier and you get the latest version of PiAware.
To get Dump1090 and PiAware working on a Raspberry Pi the easiest way is to just download a version of Raspbian with the software preloaded and then copy it to a SD card. Done. Full instructions are available on the FlightAware website.
We made things a bit harder for ourselves because we wanted to also try out the 4D Systems 2.4" touchscreen HAT. This requires its own drivers.
The 4DPi-24-HAT is a 2.4" 320x240 Primary Display HAT for the Raspberry Pi, which plugs directly on top of a Raspberry Pi. It features an integrated Resistive Touch panel, enabling the 4DPi-24-HAT to function with the Raspberry Pi without the need for a mouse (theoretically). In practise the touch part of the screen is unusable. You will need a mouse to do anything useful.
Communication between the 4DPi-24-HAT and the Raspberry Pi is via the high speed 48Mhz SPI connection. The HAT also features 5 push buttons, and a backlight. Supposedly this backlight can be configured as either On/Off or PWM controlled, selectable by an on board jumper, but only one position worked for us — see point 2 below.
The pushbuttons can be used in a python script (for example) but it isn’t totally straight forward. Have a look at the data sheet for some examples.
There are a few tricks to getting this display to work with the Raspberry Pi:
- Make sure you download the latest drivers. The link in the instructions which came with my HAT was for an older version (which didn’t work with the Raspberry Pi 3).
- Set the backlight link to ON/OFF not PWM (see image above). Mine came with PWM selected but it wouldn’t work in this configuration. A definite trap for young players! It took me a while to track this down.
- You will need a couple of PCB stand offs. Get ones with a M2.5 thread and the body should be 11mm in length. These are not provided (but should be).
Optimising the Display
The 4DPi-24-HAT has a 320x240 resolution, so expectations need to be realistic about what can be usefully displayed.
Raspbian has not been optimised to run on a display with this resolution, so there are some menus and applications which will not display correctly, or fit on the screen.
This can be helped somewhat, by setting up the display appearances, and setting fonts and
menus to be smaller. You will need to use a USB mouse and keyboard to perform this set up.
* Raspberry Menu -> Preferences -> Appearance
* Settings
* go to Menu Bar tab -> Select Small
* go to System tab -> click on font (Robo Light)
* drag window, to see font size, select 8
* (close window [x])
* Click on File Manager in Menu Bar
* Go to Edit, select Preferences
* Select Display -> Choose smallest icon sizes for all icon types
* Click on "Size of Large Icons", press tab 6 times (as
the OK button is not visible), Press enter
* Right click on menu bar (just left from pi menu,
near bottom edge of menu bar), to get a pop-up menu.
* Choose Add/Remove Panel Items -> Remove unwanted items (e.g., Bluetooth)
* (close window [x])
* Raspberry Menu->Shutdown->Reboot
To install Dump1090 and PiAware on an exisiting Raspbian installation, follow these instructions on FlightAware. It is very straight forward. The best way is to ssh in and paste the commands into terminal. Once you have plugged the USB SDR in and rebooted you should be up and running.
We used the same USB DVB-T TV Tuner RTL2832U + R820T as our SDR. You can get these very cheaply on E-Bay.
Notice in the screen shot below that we are running the latest version of PiAware (unlike the older version we were using on the pcDuino).
We wanted the Raspberry Pi to auto load the PiAware web site for our ADS-B station every time the system is rebooted. To do this, first make a copy of the LXDE autostart file:
$ cp /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
Then edit it:
sudo nano /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
And add the following:
@xscreensaver -no-splash
@xset s off
@xset -dpms
@xset s noblank
@chromium-browser --incognito --kiosk http://localhost:8080
Save the file, reboot and you should be good.
As expected it is a lot easier (trivial in fact) to get PiAware to work on the Raspberry Pi than the pcDuino. The biggest issues we had were with the 4D Systems 2.4" Display HAT — which I don’t think added much value in this instance.
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